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Bioremediation Bio-Fence Injection System Jessup GA

First HC-2000 Bio-Fence

Second Bioremediation Bio-Fence Jessup GA

Second HC-2000 Bio-Fence

HC2000 Soil GRO Degradation Curves Bioremediation Bio-Fence Injection System Jessup GA

Soil GRO Degradation Curves

HC2000 Groundwater BTEX Degradation Curves Bioremediation Bio-Fence Injection System Jessup GA

Groundwater Analyte Degradation Curves

HC2000 Biofence Treatment Grid Bioremediation Bio-Fence Injection System Jessup GA

Location:  South Georgia

Client:  Transportation Company/Georgia DNR

Contract Amount: $140,000


A gasoline tanker rolled over in a wetland area in Southern Georgia releasing an estimated 2,000 gallons. The gasoline plume migrated over a one acre area on a tree farmer’s property. Excavation

was not an option due to unstable soils and an elevated groundwater table. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources had the transportation company contact Remtech Engineer’s to employ

its proprietary native bioremediation accelerator HC-2000.


Three biofence reactors consisting of 30 HC2000 injection points and a sprinkling system were installed. HC2 was applied every two weeks followed by a one hour watering period.  HC2 migrated through the contaminated swamp media via passive dispersion between injection points and intervals.Groundwater and soil samples were collected and analyzed for TPH (GRO) and BTEX.

This project was completed in eighteen (18) week treatment period.

Average site soil Gasoline Recoverable Organic concentrations were reduced 98.7% and average groundwater benzene concentrations reduced by over 84%.


5,520 cy of contaminated media were treated for an estimated $25/cy.

Remtech received a no further action letter from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources upon project completion.  No damage to site vegetation was observed.

Gasoline Wetland Bioremediation with HC-2000 | Jessup, GA