24 Hr Emergency Response
10,000 Environmental Remediations Since 1975
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Location: Northwestern Georgia
Client: Major Railroad
Contract Amount: $42,000
A locomotive caught fire on a major railroad’s super elevated mainline track. An estimated 100-gallons of diesel fuel were released along a 100 foot track section.
Remtech designed and installed a solar/battery powered mist system to supply oxygen and water during the remediation process to maintain a 75% water field holding capacity.
Track ballast served as a biological trickling filter. HC-2000 was applied during the first three days of treatment followed by weekly HC-2000 applications to accelerate the native fungi and bacteria biodegradation process. Air sparge tips were driven into the ballast to increase oxygen levels. A battery driven compressor was utilized to supply air through the sparge tips.
Four (4) sampling points were monitored over an 118 day treatment period. Average TPH concentrations were reduced 90%.TPH concentrations at the toe of ballast next to the drainage ditch was recorded at 18.5 mg/kg at the end of the project indicating that petroleum hydrocarbons were being degraded within the railroad ROW.
Track time interruption to excavate and replace this mainline track section would have been cost-prohibitive.
HC-2000 Application on Track Bed
Mist application Supplies Water & Oxygen to Site
Solar Powered Auto Mist System Provides Oxygen & Moisture to Track Bed
Track Cross-Section of HC-2000 Diesel Degradation