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Soy Protein Bioremediation and Odor Reduction at Derailment Site with HC-2000 | Cartersville, GA

Location:  Northwestern Georgia

Client:  Major Railroad

Contract Amount:  $40,000


Remtech was engaged by a railroad to remediate a derailment site where soy protein, flour, and rice had been released.  Organics began to decay liberating offensive odors to residents and leachates threatened a nearby stream.  


The following remedial action was implemented by Remtech Engineers:


Nuisance odors were reduced and avoided further residential complaints.

Soy Protein bioremediation and odor reduction at derailment site with HC-2000
Decaying Organic Leachated Treated with
Activated Carbon
Soy Protein bioremediation and odor reduction at derailment site with HC-2000
Decaying Organics Odors Controled with HC-2000, Powdered Activated Carbon & Lime

Decaying Organic Leachates Treated with

Activated Carbon

Decaying Soy Product Excavated and Placed in Covered BioPile

Decaying Soy Derailment SIte

  • P︎umped 1,000 gallons of leachate from a pool and treated with two granular activated carbon filters in series and released to stormwater ditch.
  • Excavated 470 tons of pond sediment, soil, and ballast and staged in biopile on north end of site. Straw bales were placed on downgradient side for erosion control and the pile was covered with plastic.
  • Treated approximately one-acre of residual soils with powdered activated carbon and HC-2000. Odors and flies were dramatically reduced following the completion of excavation operations and application of the odor control agents. The area was also treated with powdered agricultural lime to further reduce odors.
  • A decision was made by the railroad to dispose of the biopile material rather than degrade on site to avoid potential residential complaints. Twenty-nine truck loads were hauled from the site and disposed at a landfill.

Decaying Organics Odors Controlled with HC-2000, Powdered Activated Carbon & Lime