Decaying Organics Odors Controlled with HC-2000, Powdered Activated Carbon & Lime
24 Hr Emergency Response
10,000 Environmental Remediations Since 1975
Remtech © 2025
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Location: Northwestern Georgia
Client: Major Railroad
Contract Amount: $40,000
Remtech was engaged by a railroad to remediate a derailment site where soy protein, flour, and rice had been released. Organics began to decay liberating offensive odors to residents and leachates threatened a nearby stream.
The following remedial action was implemented by Remtech Engineers:
Nuisance odors were reduced and avoided further residential complaints.
Decaying Organic Leachates Treated with
Activated Carbon
Decaying Soy Product Excavated and Placed in Covered BioPile
Decaying Soy Derailment SIte
Decaying Organics Odors Controlled with HC-2000, Powdered Activated Carbon & Lime