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Remtech Leachate Treatment System

Remtech Leachate Treatment System

Bio/Degassing Beds

Bio/Degassing Beds

Cement Kiln Dust Chemical Fixation

Cement Kiln Dust Chemical Fixation

Location: Northern Georgia

Client: Major Carpet Manufacturer

Contract Amount: $530,000

Chemical Fixation/Solidification of Latex Waste Converted to Non-Hazardous Backfill for Parkinglot | Calhoun, GA


Remtech Engineers was engaged to close three latex ponds.

Concern was expressed by the client that the latex may contain

hazardous chemicals.


Remtech conducted a site characterization of the SBR Latex in the

ponds that confirmed that a potential for HSRA chemicals over

reporting triggers may be present.

Analysis of bench-scale chemically fixed and aerated latex waste

samples did not contain hazardous chemicals indicating that the heat

of hydration of chemical fixation with cement kiln dust and Portland

Cement and air stripping was an effective treatment methodology.

This treatment methodology removed 99% of phthalates,

formaldehyde, and other volatile organic compounds. In addition, the

compressive strength of the treated waste was sufficient to be used as

a compatible backfill for construction of a parking lot at the site.

8,000 tons of latex sludge were dewatered and leachates

treated with Remtech’s mobile treatment system. The 100-gallon per

minute treatment system consisted of a 10,000-gallon clarifier followed by a Low-Profile Air Stripper, diatomaceous earth and activated carbon filters. Over 460,000 gallons of pond leachates were treated below detection limits for volatile and semi-volatile organics and discharged to the City’s sanitary sewer system.

Latex sludges were chemically fixed and then placed on inclined

dewatering beds and degassed with hot air on biobeds constructed

over perforated piping in three foot lifts. The stabilized material was

used for backfill for construction of a parking lot on site. Compaction ratios

greater than 90% were achieved. An asphalt cap was used as a final



Converting potentially hazardous latex waste insitu into a usable

backfill material for construction of a parking lot saved the client

several hundred thousand dollars compared to excavation, transport,

disposal, and backfill.