24 Hr Emergency Response


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Chemical Plant Fire and Explosion

Location:  Northern Georgia

Client:  Speciality Chemical Company

Contract Amount: $330,000


Remtech responded to a chemical plant fire containing aromatic and chlorinated solvents and propellants.  Bulk storage tanks, totes, drums, secondary containment structures, overhead pipe racks, processing equipment, pollution control systems, and buildings were involved in the fire.  


Remtech's scope of work was to remove hazardous materials and collect and/or treat contaminated stormwater.  Remtech developed a site safety plan and conducted environmental health monitoring.

Bulk water was removed from the plant's office building.  The burn area was isolated and contaminated stormwater was pumped into multiple frac tanks that were loaded into tankers and disposed of at a hazardous waste facility over a three month period.

Burnt bulk storage tanks and secondary containment structures were cleaned using remote devises to avoid confined space entry permits.  Burn residues and scum were removed from a stormwater detention pond using river boom and skimming devices.  Millions of gallons of stormwater were filtered through an insitu carbon filter constructed in the pond overflow structure.

Remtech assets utilized on this project included:  excavation equipment, frac tanks, 1,000 ft of river boom, rapid deployment boom/boat trailer, hazmat trailer, emergency lighting, skimmers, vacuum trucks, tankers, carbon filters, explosion proof blowers, explosion proof pumps, compressors, PPE, environmental monitoring equipment, straw filtration barriers, polypropylene sorbent, drums, totes, and supersacks.  


Remtech's insitu carbon filtration system installed in the overflow structure of the downgradient detention pond treated several million gallons of contaminated stormwater and saved several hundred thousand dollars in treatment costs.

Chemical Plant Fire and Explosion

Tank Farm and Pipe Bridges Destroyed by Fire
Tank Contents Removed Remotely Reducing PPE Requirements

Tank Contents Removed Remotely Reducing PPE Requirements

Tank Farm and Pipe Bridges Destroyed by Fire

Stream Carbon Filtration Treats Millions of Gallons of Fire Runoff Water

Chemical Plant Fire Response and Environmental Cleanup | Atlanta, GA

Stream Carbon Filtration Treats Millions of Gallons of Fire Runoff Water