24 Hr Emergency Response
10,000 Environmental Remediations Since 1975
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Location: Major Midwestern City
Client: City Health Commissioner
Contract Amount: Confidential
A major hospital was closed due to a lack of funding. Five years later, the City Fire Marshall’s inspection revealed that pathological and chemical agents had been left at the facility while the first floor was still occupied by administrative personnel.
An investigation was conducted to determine the extent of contamination. Major waste streams identified included - unrefrigerated Hepatitis B serum, hospital radiological wastes, body parts from surgical operations, lab chemicals including unstable nitric acid stored next to aborted fetuses stored in porcelain containers in formaldehyde, and other unknowns.
The hospital’s incinerator was shut down. Body parts were transported to another City incinerator. Unknowns were incinerated in a mobile methanol incinerator. Radiological hospital wastes were scanned with a scintillator to verify half-life degradation.
Identifiable chemicals were classified, segregated and placed in lab packs for disposal. Hospital walls, floors, shelves and other surfaces were decontaminated with a chlorine/surfactant solution.
Other City owned hospitals were audited to identify and remove hazardous and pathogenic wastes.
Preparation of Incineration Charges
Radiation Scans of Hospital Material
Closed Hospital Assessment