Foam Recovery at Landfill Detention Pond
24 Hr Emergency Response
10,000 Environmental Remediations Since 1975
Remtech © 2025
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Remtech specializes in renewable energy, wastewater sludge to energy, waste management, landfill gas to energy, solid waste management, leachate treatment, leachate collection for liner, leachate collection or pump repairs, and vacuum and high pressure jet cleaning of leachate collection systems, detention ponds, and sewers.
Remtech principals completed one of the first successful pilot energy recovery demonstration projects in the early 1980s approved by EPA by delisting a refinery hazardous waste sludge to power multi hearth sludge furnaces at a major midwestern domestic wastewater treatment plant. This pilot project demonstrated that less than 5% refinery sludge blended with domestic sludges would provide enough energy to replace natural gas requirements for over five years while meeting air pollution, scrubber sluice water, and ash disposal requirements. Refinery sludge addition rates had so much energy that injection rates had to be reduced to avoid thermal damage to metal furnace rakes.
✓ Waste Characterization for Renewable Energy Recovery
✓ Landfill Operation and Renewable Energy Recovery Optimization
✓ Renewable Energy System Design, Build, Operation
✓ Wastewater Treatment Plant Digestor to Renewable Energy
✓ Landfill Gas to Renewable Natural Gas
✓ Agricultural Waste to Renewable Energy
✓ Composting Waste to Renewable Energy
✓ Biomass Waste to Renewable Energy
✓ Wastewater Sewage Sludge to Renewable Energy
✓ Landfill Leachate Treatment
✓ Landfilll PFAS Leachate Treatment
✓ High Vacuum Cleaning of Collection & Stormwater Systems
✓ Landfill Leachate Sump Cleaning
✓ Landfill Leachate Collection System Cleaning
✓ Landfill Gas Collection System Maintenance and Cleaning
✓ Landfill Operation and Gas Collection System Optimization
✓ Landfill Remediation Services
✓ Landfill Gas Monitoring
✓ Vapor Intrusion Investigations & Remediation
✓ Offsite Gas Migration Treatment
✓ Landfill Leachate Evaporation
✓ Waste Solidification
✓ Groundwater Contamination Treatment
✓ SVE/BioVenting & BioSparge Systems
✓ Vacuum Enhanced Extraction Wells
✓ Removing Hazmats from Sanitary Waste & Recycling Facilities
✓ Disaster Response and Recovery to Fires and Floods
Leachate Recovery Transported to Equalization Basin at Landfill
Cleaning Landfill Leachate Sumps
Liner Repair Leachate Vacuum Extraction
Fuel Recovery from Refinery Sludge Pilot Demonstration Project Provides fuel for Multi Hearth Municipal Sludge Furnaces for 5 Years
Foam Recovery at Landfill Detention Pond