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Waste Oil Bioremediation on Mainline Tracks with HC-2000 | Atlanta, GA

Waste Oil Spill On Mainline Tracks

Location:  Atlanta, Georgia

Client:  Waste Oil Recycler

Contract Amount:  $40,000


A waste oil recycler tanker spilled an estimated 600 gallons of waste oil that flowed through a storm drain and onto two main line tracks covering 140 ft of drainage ditch and 60 ft of track.  


Regulatory/railroad cleanup criteria required no oil migration off the railroad ROW and no sheens in stormwater runoff.  Six (6) cubic yards of oil saturated gravel/soil were excavated from the stormsewer outfall and ditch adjacent to the tracks.  A poly sorbent/straw filtration/containment system was installed in the drainage ditch.  Seventy (70) ft x 6” diameter HPDE drain pipe (terminating in a 20-gallon sump) was installed between the two mainline tracks and a second system was installed in the ditch.

Six (6) HC-2000 applications were made during the initial 4 month period. Leachate collection and filtration system maintenance & monitoring continued for an additional 8 month period until sheens in stormwater runoff and oil collection in the leachate collection systems dissipated.


Cost savings to the railroad on this project were:  Ballast removal/replacement estimate was $100,000 plus track service interruptions for 25 to 75 trains/day or an estimated $250,000/day.

Initial Treatment of Tracks with HC-2000 and Excavation of Saturated Ditch Soils

Initial Treatment of Tracks with HC-2000 and Excavation of Saturated Ditch Soils
Installation of Leachate Collection System between Mainline Tracks
Leachate Collection &
Straw/Sorbent Ditch Containment Systems
Leachate Collection Sump Between Tracks with
Pump Out Stinger
HC-2000 Desorbs Waste Oil Into Leachate Collection System & Accelerates Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degradation

Installation of Leachate Collection System between Mainline Tracks

Leachate Collection &

Straw/Sorbent Ditch Containment Systems

HC-2000 Desorbs Waste Oil Into Leachate Collection System & Accelerates Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degradation

Leachate Collection Sump Between Tracks with

Pump Out Stinger