24 Hr 800-377-3648

Remtech © 2025

Remtech Engineers


Remtech provides energy power generating, transmission, and substation utilities with: emergency response to spills, fires, explosions & storms; environmental assessments and response plans; environmental remediation; comprehensive industrial services, pollution prevention systems, site clearing for power substations, and comprehensive waste management programs.

Transformer fires and explosions at power plants and substations result in dielectric fluids broadcast over fire walls, sound attenuation barriers, power generating surfaces, and spill containment/fire extinguishment pits.

Remtech has developed and implemented specialized response and remediation programs for transformer fires and explosions at electrical substations and power generating facilities.


Oil Spill Cleanup at Coal Fired PlantPower Plant Fire CleanupAnhydrous Ammonia TrainingChemical Spill Cleanup

Remtech’s emergency response and steam/surface cleaning services restore facilities to pre-fire condition. Remtech’s mobile oil/water separator/carbon filtration plants treat fire deluge water for release to stormwater detention ponds minimizing liquid disposal volumes.

Remtech’s proprietary biostimulation accelerator HC-2000 is used to degrade residual soil contamination in and below grounding grids and remove photolytic mineral oil staining from gravel. HC-2000's application to power plant and downed transformers is presented in Remtech Bioremediation Optimization Primer for the power industry starting on page section 4.3.  HC-2000 is a Green Sustainable Technology.  HC-2000 is also approved on a case-by-case basis by EPA OCSs for in situ treatment of large volumes of petroleum contact water.

Energy Facility Spill Deployment and Facility Response Plans have been prepared for worst case release scenarios for power generating facilities with ASTs. Completed plans include the Savannah River and Chattahoochee River basins with combined drainage areas of 72,650 acres and 1,180 miles of shoreline. Spill containment, protection, recovery, access points (boat ramps & bridges), and sensitive receptors (including water intake structures, fisheries, and marinas) were visited, photographed with GPS tags and entered into a GPS aerial mapping system. Containment, recovery, and temporary storage equipment are specified for each control point and entered into a digitized rapid deployment management system to access, direct, and deploy appropriate resources.

Emergency Response for Energy Facilities

▸ Emergency Response & Spill Cleanup, Fires & Storms  

Environmental Remediation for Energy Facilities

▸ Site Cleanup for New Facility Construction or Expansion

▸ Removal & Remediation of USTs, ASTs, & Septic Tanks

▸ High Rail Vacuum Cleanup of Coal, Ash, Facility & Spills

▸ Transformer Sampling (PCBs) and transformer disposal

▸ HC-2000 Treatment of Oil Spills in Grounding Grids

▸ Cooling system spills of acids, corrosives, toxics

Industrial Services for Energy Facilities

▸ Cooling Tower, Boiler, Heat Exchanger Cleaning

▸ Tank & Fly Ash Cleaning

Vacuum Truck Services

Structural Demolition

Closure of Water Wells

▸ Cleaning of Oil/Water Separators

Site Clearing for Power Substations

Brush Hog Mowing

Environmental Engineering Design/Build for Energy Facilities

▸ Spill Control System Construction

Environmental Consulting Services for Energy Facilities

▸ Environmental Assessments, ASTM Phase I, II, & III

▸ SPCC, FRP, and Spill Deployment Plan Preparation

FRP Qualified Individual Training

Hazwoper, Incident Commander Training

Hazardous Material Technician, and Refresher

Waste Management for Energy Facilities


Serving Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida

▸ Removal & Disposal of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste