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Bioremediation of Diesel in Detention Pond Sediment and Stormwater with HC-2000 | Atlanta, GA

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Free Product Skimming Operations
Remtech's All-Terrain Vacuum Tankers
Application of HC-2000 to Stormwater and Sediment
Detention Pond Following HC-2000 Treatment

Remtech's All-Terrain Vacuum Tankers

Application of HC-2000 to Stormwater and Sediment

Client:  Major Developer

Location:  Atlanta, Georgia

Contract Amount:  $80,000


A developer’s 8,000 gallon temporary fuel storage tank was sabotaged during construction of a10-acre site and an estimated 4,000 gallons of off-road diesel fuel were released to an erosion control pond.  Remtech was engaged to remediate the problem.


Two filtration dams were installed downgradient from the pond in the receiving stream.  A river boom was placed immediately in front of the pond outfall structure.

Stormsewers were flushed with water to move product to the detention pond.  Remtech mobilized its all-terrain vacuum tankers and recovered an estimated 3,500 gallons of fuel from the pond.    

90-tons of fuel saturated sediment near the pond’s effluent structure were excavated and transported to a soil recycling facility.


Approval was received by an EPA Onscene Coordinator to treat an estimated 500,000 gallons of stormwater and 500 tons of sediment insitu with Remtech’s HC-2000 native bioremediation accelerator to break down residual petroleum hydrocarbons and remove sheens from the pond.  No confirmation sampling was required due to regulatory confidence in the effectiveness of HC-2000.  This saved the client thousands of dollars compared to removal of remaining stormwater and sediment.

Detention Pond Following HC-2000 Treatment