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Gasoline BioSparge of LUST with HC-2000 | Naperville, IL

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Client: Freight Distribution Center

Contract Amount: $20,000


A gasoline underground storage tank pit was contaminated with dissolved  gasoline analytes following removal and backfill of a 10,000 gal LUST that prevented closure of the site.


Sixteen (16) biosparge points were driven into groundwater through a pea gravel/colloidal clay matrix.  Remtech’s native bioremediation accelerator HC-2000 was injected on a weekly basis topically and

through the sparge tips.  A compact air and HC-2000 injection system was used to pulse air and enzyme into the tank pit.

At the end of a six (6) week treatment period, heterotrophic plate counts jumped to several million CFU/ml. Groundwater BETX analytes were reduced  - 98% for benzene, 96% for

ethylbenzene, 99% for toluene, and 94% for total xylenes.  


The tank pit was closed that prevented additional treatment and minimized additional facility operational interruptions.

BioSparge Injection System at Freight Terminal

BioSparge Injection Grid

BioSparge Injection Probes Driven with Electric Jackhammer

Biosparge Bioremediation Naperville IL
Biosparge Bioremediation Injections System Naperville IL
Biosparge Bioremediation BTEX Reduced 96% Naperville IL
Biosparge Bioremediation Probe Installation Naperville IL