24 Hr 800-377-3648

Remtech © 2024

Remtech Engineers


Remtech would welcome the opportunity to earn the right to become your preferred environmental services company for turnkey environmental projects.

Remtech is committed to completing each project in a timely, discrete, professional, and cost-effective manner. You may contact us by calling our toll-free hotline - 800-377-3648 or 770-427-7766 and using the following extensions:


  For 24-hour Emergency - press 9

▹  Dial-by-name Directory - press #

▹  Accounting - press 3

▹  Product Sales - press 4

▹  Human Resources - press 5

▹  General Delivery Mailbox - press 0

If you prefer, you may also reach us at the following addresses:

Remtech Engineers

200 North Cobb Parkway

Suite 208

Marietta, Georgia   30062

  You may also contact us by filling out the eform below and indicate if you would like to be added to our mailing list or need assistance on a specific project.  We will get back to you quickly.


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