24 Hr 800-377-3648

Remtech © 2025

Remtech Engineers


Hi-Rail Terminal CleaningVacuum Truck Coal CleanupVacuum Truck Fuel RecoveryRobotic Vacuum Cleaning and Dredging

Remtech’s Guzzler vacuum trucks with high-rail capabilities can be operated on roadways or mobilized to remote areas accessible by rail. Remtech's ROV robotic vacuum cleaning is used to remove debris, sludge, sediment from confined spaces, tanks, pipelines, pits, and ponds.

Wet or dry materials, (including railroad ballast) can be removed/transferred rapidly without fugitive dust emissions with high efficiency bag house filtration. Vacuum rates up to 5,400 cfm @ 28”Hg (3,400 gallons) transfers liquids, slurries, solids, granular material, powders and contaminants over long suction distances. Remtech also offers robotic vacuum cleaning & dredging.

Dry product transfers/recovery remote cyclones minimize double handling of granular material from railcars to silos, piles to hopper cars or hopper cars to elevators. Continuous vacuum truck operation with vacuum boxes or cyclones minimizes transport costs.


Vacuum Truck Industrial Services

➤ ROV Robotic Vacuum Cleaning

➤ Confined space cleaning

➤ Railroad ballast, track & switch cleaning

➤ Tank, tanker, railcar cleaning & transfers

➤ Granular & powdered material change outs & transfers

➤ Filter media change outs  

➤ Bulk transfer facility cleanups & transfers

➤ Silo, elevator, bag-house, building cleanups

Pipeline & pipeline interface cleaning

➤ Storm & sanitary sewer, pipeline & catch basin cleaning

Sewer and pipeline location, TV inspections and leak testing

➤ Sludge & slurry cleanups

VacuJetTM  Heavy Solids Removal

➤ Removal of leachate from landfills

➤ Pit, lagoon, sump, digester, oil/water separator clean outs

➤ Decontamination of bird droppings from DOT bridge structures

Vacuum Truck Environmental Applications

Environmental Cleanups

Emergency response to spills         

➤ Emergency response to derailments

Total fluids/multi-phase vacuum extraction

Remtech’s HC-2000 bioremediation accelerator

Vacuum Truck Geotechnical Applications

➤ Locating underground utilities and structures

➤ Non-destructive location of underground pipelines & USTs

➤ Utility safe digging

➤ Utility location

➤ Hydro excavation

➤ Polholing

➤ Daylighting

➤ Vacuum excavation

➤ Air knife excavation

➤ Air vacuum excavation

➤ Air excavation

➤ Soft excavation of soil & gravel

➤ Trenching

Serving Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida

ROV Vacuum Truck Mini Excavator