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Remtech © 2025

Remtech Engineers



Remtech teams are experts in cleaning up homeless encampments along right-of-way's, private and public property, and under highway and railroad bridges that pose a variety of risks.  Removal of encampment reduce public health and safety hazards, infrastructure risks, environmental, and economic risks.  

Health – exposure to communicable diseases, tuberculosis, hepatitis, respiratory   infections, and other contagious diseases.

Sanitation – exposure to garbage, human waste, and rodent infestations causing diseases like leptospirosis and hantavirus.

Drug Use – exposure to needles and paraphernalia causing exposure to biohazards like HIV or hepatitis.

Safety – fire risks from open flames for cooking and heating, flammable materials stored near heat sources.

Structural Concerns – bridge or encampment collapses from fires under bridges, falling debris from bridges or makeshift shelters.

Crime – thefts, assaults and other crimes in and around encampments to law enforcement or outreach workers.

Environmental Hazards – contamination sources near water sources from waste disposal and air quality issues from fires or decaying organic materials.

Ecosystem Damage – harm to wildlife and vegetation.  

Flooding Risks - encampments under bridges near waterways are prone to flooding during heavy rains putting vagrants and rescuers at risk.

Phycological Hazards - many inhabitants have mental disorders that create perceived safety risks.

Traffic and Infrastructure - obstructions released onto roadways causing accidents or delays, damage to infrastructure (structural wear on bridges due to unauthorized modification or load bearing usage).

Maintenance Interference – access is limited to maintain infrastructure.

Legal and Compliance Risks – violations of zoning and safety codes, liability issues associated with property owners not removing encampments.

Perception and Economic Impact – encampments can cause decreased property values, public image, and reluctance of businesses to locate in nearby areas.

Emergency Response Challenges – navigation of emergency services may be impaired causing evacuation difficulties and reducing the efficacy of mitigation strategies.

Atlanta Bridge FireEncampment near streamEncampment under bridgeRailroad bridge encampment

Encampment risks that are eliminated by removal are outlined below:  

Serving Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida